Explore the services we offer below, along with some of our success stories. Our specialist services can be offered individually or collectively, depending on your organisation’s requirements.
We understand that unrivalled business successes come only from helping individuals within your organisation change. Be it technological, cultural, process, business, or skills change, helping individuals – and thus businesses – adapt and thrive is what we do.
AE has a unique approach to DTX. Unlike most, we don’t believe that DTX requires radical disruption or the wholesale rewriting of your value proposition. Rather, to enhance and evolve your primary services, it is an incremental, planned approach to targeted technological adoption. Once again, the key is your people; we give them the skills and confidence to best harness these new technologies. Bringing technology, your people and AE together leads to unparalleled business outcomes.
Austin Elliot is a market leader in helping businesses setup, run and enhance their cloud services as part of their cloud adoption. We have proven track record of delivering with cutting edge organisations.
Austin Elliot uses the leading cyber frameworks as our core methodology. These frameworks are designed to significantly reduce the risk of breaches by conducting regular vulnerability assessments against your infrastructure. With a blend of the latest scanning technologies, expertise and support, our service offers assurance across the lifecycle.
With over ten years’ experience in Business and Data Analysis, our award-winning consultants can give you the information advantage to take your business to the next level.
We have a proven track record of excellent IT delivery providing stripy teams to securely develop technology to operations. Whether it be a Project Manager, Business Change Consultant or Cloud Developer we can provide a fully contracted-out service to deliver game-changing outcomes.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, it is the one most adaptable to change.”
Charles Darwin